Payment Gateways For Tech Support Companies

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Libby James
Merchant Services Expert

Libby James is co-founder, director and an expert in all things merchant services. Libby is the go-to specialist for business with more complex requirements or businesses that are struggling to find a provider that will accept them. Libby is regularly cited in trade, national and international media.

Merchant accounts for Tech Support

At Merchant Advice Service, we specialise in assisting businesses in high-risk or specialised industries to find optimal card payment solutions. Tech support companies are a prime example of this, and we collaborate with a select group of merchant and gateway providers perfectly positioned to offer the right merchant account solutions at competitive rates.

Challenges in Obtaining Merchant Accounts for Tech Support Businesses

Tech support companies often face challenges in securing suitable merchant accounts and payment gateways. Many providers categorise them as high risk due to the prevalence of fraud in the industry, particularly concerning security issues related to updates and fixes. Additionally, the sector is prone to a high number of chargebacks, often stemming from recurring payments on a monthly basis and subsequently cancelling or forgetting their subscription. The good news is that we closely partner with a few merchant account and payment gateway providers specialising in tech support, offering tailored solutions to overcome these challenges.

Top Payment Gateways for Tech Support Businesses

Setting up payment gateways for industries with a heightened risk of fraud comes with limitations. Business owners need to prioritise protecting their clients when processing online payments. Our collaboration with tech support payment gateway providers focuses on key areas, including:


Payment gateway for tech support businesses

Payment gateways for online tech support

Payment gateway for tech support companies in the USA, Canada, and more

International payment gateways for tech support businesses

Considerations for International Payment Gateways

The international scope of tech support services is a crucial consideration, as some merchant banks and gateway providers cater to specific regions. Given the industry’s nature, where technical support is often outsourced globally, it’s vital to choose a high-risk merchant account and gateways that align with both current and future business plans.


At Merchant Advice Service, we are well-equipped to secure the best deals on payment gateways, regardless of your business’s uniqueness or complexity. Based in the Midlands, UK, our focus sets us apart from USA-centric alternatives. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote, and our experts will promptly assist you.


Commonly Asked Questions
Why are tech support companies considered high risk?
Tech support companies are considered high risk due to the prevalence of fraud in the industry and the potential for chargebacks related to subscription-based services.
What challenges do tech support businesses face in obtaining merchant accounts?
Tech support businesses often encounter challenges due to the industry’s high-risk nature, including concerns about fraud and chargebacks.
How do payment gateways for tech support differ from regular gateways?
Payment gateways for tech support focus on addressing the specific risks associated with the industry, such as fraud prevention and managing chargeback issues.
Do you provide international payment gateways for tech support businesses?
Yes, we offer international payment gateways tailored to the global nature of the tech support industry.
Can you assist with complex business setups in the tech support industry?
Absolutely. Our expertise extends to assisting tech support companies with unique and complex business setups.
What considerations are crucial when choosing a payment gateway?
Key considerations include fraud prevention, chargeback management, and ensuring compatibility with international business operations.
Are your services limited to the UK, or do you cater to international businesses?
We cater to both UK and international businesses, understanding the global nature of the tech support industry.
How quickly can you secure a payment gateway for my tech support company?
We strive to provide prompt assistance, and the timeframe for securing a payment gateway depends on the specific requirements of your tech support business.

How Merchant Advice Service Can Help

Merchant Advice Service excels in providing top-notch payment solutions, particularly for tech support companies. These types of businesses, often seen as high risk, require specialised merchant accounts and payment processors. We understand the unique needs of tech support merchant accounts, ensuring your business can process payments smoothly and securely.


Our services are not limited to one region. Whether your operations are based in the UK or internationally, we can support your payment needs. We specialise in setting up card transactions systems that accept credit cards and other accepted payment methods, offering flexibility for your customers.


The challenges of processing payments in the tech support industry are well-known, with high transaction fees and chargeback risks. This is where our expertise comes into play. Our team is committed to providing exceptional customer service, helping you navigate the complexities of acquiring banks and choosing the right card reader for your business.


At Merchant Advice Service, we strive to minimise the transaction fees associated with high risk businesses. We understand the importance of having a reliable and efficient payment service. Our solutions are tailored to meet the needs of various types of businesses, ensuring that your tech support company can accept and process payments with ease.


In the rapidly evolving world of tech support, staying ahead of payment processing trends is crucial. By partnering with us, your business can benefit from our extensive knowledge and experience in handling high-risk accounts. We’re here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring your business operates efficiently and effectively.


Don’t let the complexities of tech support payment processing hinder your business’s success. Reach out to Merchant Advice Service for a consultation. Our team is ready to assist you during business days and beyond, providing the support and advice your company needs to thrive.

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Libby James

Libby James Co-founded Merchant Advice Service alongside David Bird in 2016. Her finance background, coupled with retail and customer service experience, gave Libby the drive to bring transparency and non-biased advice to the world of merchant services. Having come from the heavily regulated mortgage and insurance industry, Libby found it puzzling that other financial sectors lacked regulation and transparency leaving customers confused and unable to make informed decisions when it came to accepting card payments. This was soon to become Libby’s obsession!

With the help of some of the industry’s best, Libby began to research acquiring banks, complex terminology/regulation, and the problems customers experience within merchant services and payment gateway markets. She spent years on sourcing solutions for complex clients, which previously others were unable to assist with. Libby established relationships with brokers and banks which would soon form the cornerstone of Merchant Advice Service. As a result Libby has been featured in high-profile publications across the web.

Libby is proud to be the entrepreneur’s champion, supporting start-up businesses regularly. Her industry insights can often be found on LinkedIn where she provides free of charge advice and money saving pointers. It’s safe to say she has her finger on the pulse of everything card payments related.

Libby speaks of her experience in founding and running Merchant Advice Service…

‘Merchant Advice Service is one of my greatest achievements to date. We help business owners to overcome card processing issues which can become detrimental to their business. We assist SME’s in finding suitable card payments solutions, helping them create their vision. Each and every day is different, exciting and fore filling. As technology advances I can’t wait to see the way in which the merchant services market advances, and I’m pleased that our business will play a part in educating company owners along the way.’

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