Contactless payment via mobile

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Libby James
Merchant Services Expert

Libby James is co-founder, director and an expert in all things merchant services. Libby is the go-to specialist for business with more complex requirements or businesses that are struggling to find a provider that will accept them. Libby is regularly cited in trade, national and international media.

Mobile Payments: A Merchant’s Gateway to Seamless Transactions

In the ever-evolving landscape of commerce, mobile payments have emerged as a game-changer, offering a swift and convenient way for consumers to make contactless transactions. This comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for understanding and embracing the world of mobile payments. Let’s embark on this journey, exploring the intricacies of card processing via mobile, the security advantages, and the benefits that await savvy merchants.

Card Processing via Mobile

The essence of mobile payments lies in the seamless processing of card transactions. Similar to traditional contactless payments, mobile phone payment systems securely store credit or debit card details in an electronic wallet. The subsequent exchange of radio signals between devices ensures a smooth transfer of payment data. Whether you’re an Apple enthusiast or an Android user, the simplicity remains unmatched.

How Do Mobile Transactions Work?

Mobile transactions operate seamlessly, redefining the way consumers engage in commerce. The process begins with users storing their credit or debit card details securely within an electronic wallet on their mobile device. When it’s time to make a purchase, this digital wallet initiates a contactless transaction, mirroring the familiarity of tapping a physical card. The magic unfolds as radio signals securely transfer payment data between the mobile device and the merchant’s terminal. This swift and efficient exchange ensures that small transactions can be conducted effortlessly, ushering in a new era of convenience for both consumers and merchants. Whether utilising Apple Pay or Android’s equivalent, the fundamental principle remains: a frictionless and secure method of conducting transactions in the palm of your hand.

Benefits of Taking Payments via Mobile

Enhanced Efficiency: Mobile payments streamline transaction processes, eliminating unnecessary steps and enhancing overall efficiency for merchants.


Reduced Transaction Times: Embracing mobile payments translates to quicker transactions, allowing merchants to serve customers promptly and improve the overall customer experience.


Expanded Customer Base: By offering mobile payment options, businesses open doors to a broader customer base, attracting tech-savvy consumers and staying competitive in the dynamic digital landscape.


Competitive Edge: Mobile payments empower businesses to navigate the fast-paced digital market, providing a distinctive competitive edge that positions them ahead of the curve.

Security Advantages of Mobile Payments

Security is paramount, and mobile payments offer robust features to safeguard both merchants and consumers. The encrypted nature of transactions, coupled with device-specific unique identifiers, enhances security. As we delve deeper, you’ll discover how mobile payments mitigate risks and fortify the integrity of your transactions.

Accepting Mobile-to-Mobile Card Payments

In the era of interconnected devices, facilitating mobile-to-mobile card payments is a natural progression. Explore the seamless process of matching unique device numbers for returns and discover how this feature enhances the overall transaction experience.

Merchant Account Providers for Mobile Payments

Choosing the right merchant account provider is crucial for a smooth transition into the world of mobile payments. Learn about reputable providers that can enable your terminal, ensuring you’re well-equipped to accept mobile payments effortlessly.


Let’s start by unravelling the intricacies of card processing via mobile.
How do I start accepting mobile payments in the UK?
If you already have a contactless system, your provider can enable your terminal for mobile payments.
Are there additional fees for mobile payments in the UK?
Currently, both Apple and Android stick to the standard contactless transaction charges.
Is the contactless limit still £100 with mobile payments in the UK?
Apple Pay allows payments over £100, provided your terminal and provider support the latest specifications.
Can I process returns through mobile payment providers in the UK?
Yes, you can match unique device numbers for smooth return processing.
Do merchant providers offer lower fees for contactless payments in the UK?
Some providers may have lower or no fees for contactless transactions.
How can MAS help me with mobile payments in the UK?
Contact our industry experts for guidance on embracing mobile payments in your business.
What are the key security features of mobile payments in the UK?
Explore the encrypted nature of transactions and device-specific unique identifiers that enhance security.
What if I don’t accept contactless payments in the UK?
Speak to our advisors to find the most suitable system for your business.


Embracing mobile payments not only modernises your business operations but also opens up new avenues for generosity. Imagine offering your customers the convenience of adding a donation to charity with their purchase, effortlessly via their mobile devices. This could transform the occasional charitable donation into a regular contribution, seamlessly collected during each transaction. For UK taxpayers, this method could optimise charitable donations, possibly leveraging benefits like income tax relief. 


By integrating these capabilities into your mobile payment solutions, you’re not only providing a secure and efficient service but also fostering a culture of giving. As customers increasingly appreciate the ease with which they can support a cause, businesses that adopt such practices offer more than just goods and services—they offer peace of mind and an opportunity to make a difference.

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Libby James

Libby James Co-founded Merchant Advice Service alongside David Bird in 2016. Her finance background, coupled with retail and customer service experience, gave Libby the drive to bring transparency and non-biased advice to the world of merchant services. Having come from the heavily regulated mortgage and insurance industry, Libby found it puzzling that other financial sectors lacked regulation and transparency leaving customers confused and unable to make informed decisions when it came to accepting card payments. This was soon to become Libby’s obsession!

With the help of some of the industry’s best, Libby began to research acquiring banks, complex terminology/regulation, and the problems customers experience within merchant services and payment gateway markets. She spent years on sourcing solutions for complex clients, which previously others were unable to assist with. Libby established relationships with brokers and banks which would soon form the cornerstone of Merchant Advice Service. As a result Libby has been featured in high-profile publications across the web.

Libby is proud to be the entrepreneur’s champion, supporting start-up businesses regularly. Her industry insights can often be found on LinkedIn where she provides free of charge advice and money saving pointers. It’s safe to say she has her finger on the pulse of everything card payments related.

Libby speaks of her experience in founding and running Merchant Advice Service…

‘Merchant Advice Service is one of my greatest achievements to date. We help business owners to overcome card processing issues which can become detrimental to their business. We assist SME’s in finding suitable card payments solutions, helping them create their vision. Each and every day is different, exciting and fore filling. As technology advances I can’t wait to see the way in which the merchant services market advances, and I’m pleased that our business will play a part in educating company owners along the way.’

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