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Direct Sales and Network Marketing: Streamlining Your Payment Experience

08 June 2018

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Written by Libby James
Libby James is co-founder, director and an expert in all things merchant services. Libby is the go-to specialist for business with more complex requirements or businesses that are struggling to find a provider that will accept them. Libby is regularly cited in trade, national and international media.
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    Direct Sales Card Payments

    In the dynamic landscape of direct sales and network marketing, businesses often find themselves navigating unconventional environments, and the need for seamless payment solutions is paramount. Whether engaging in face-to-face transactions or conducting business online, it’s essential to explore a range of payment methods that cater to the unique demands of this industry. This holds true for renowned companies such as Avon, FM perfumes, Forever Living, Kleeneze, and the Body Shop, all of which operate within this sector.

    Face-to-Face Direct Sales: GPRS Card Machines and mPOS Systems

    Navigating face-to-face sales, whether in homes, at networking events, or at external shows, requires adaptable solutions. GPRS card machines, functioning akin to mobile phones, utilise radio signals for efficient communication between the customer’s bank and the merchant. Alternatively, mobile point of sale (mPOS) systems offer a flexible and convenient way to process payments during network marketing events.

    For those desiring a more discreet transaction method, an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) payment line presents an option. This allows customers to pay for goods through an automated telephone line, entering card details directly into the keypad. This method enhances discretion, especially beneficial for industries such as home improvements or high-value transactions like art and jewellery.

    Payment Gateways for Direct Sales and Network Marketing: Website Integration

    Most network marketers opt for branded websites equipped with integrated payment solutions. However, it’s essential to note that not all merchant account providers seamlessly align with these sites. Regular reviews of payment gateways and merchant account costs are recommended to optimise the efficiency of the payment process.

    Merchant Accounts for Door-to-Door Sales: Overcoming Challenges

    The challenge of securing credit card processing for door-to-door sales, often associated with a more assertive sales approach, can be navigated. Our specialist advisors, well-acquainted with the intricacies of the industry, provide tailored assistance based on your unique circumstances. Connect with us to determine eligibility and explore suitable solutions for your door-to-door sales.

    Free Card Machines: Empowering Your Business Financially

    Embracing technology in direct sales and network marketing can be cost-effective with providers offering free card machines. These machines not only alleviate financial burdens but also provide a practical means of processing transactions, enhancing the overall customer experience.

    Exploring Alternatives for Seamless Transactions

    While business owners often turn to popular options like SumUp, PayPal, or Zettle for their payment needs, it’s crucial to consider alternative solutions that may better cater to specific requirements. In this regard, Merchant Advice Service (MAS) offers an exclusive deal with LoPay, presenting a compelling alternative. With LoPay, businesses can enjoy a free card machine, and the first 2000 transactions are completely free of charge. Following this initial period, transactions with LoPay are priced at half the cost compared to the aforementioned providers. This exclusive arrangement with LoPay ensures that businesses not only have access to cutting-edge payment technology but also benefit from cost-effective solutions that can significantly impact the bottom line.

    Pop-Up Events Card Payments: Seamless Transactions Anywhere

    Pop-up events are integral to direct sales and network marketing, and facilitating smooth transactions is crucial. Portable GPRS card machines become invaluable in such scenarios, enabling businesses to accept card payments on the go, adding professionalism and expanding the scope of potential sales.

    Benefits of Taking Card Payments: Elevating Your Business

    Accepting card payments in direct sales and network marketing brings numerous benefits. It enhances customer satisfaction, boosts sales by encouraging larger transactions, and promotes financial transparency, streamlining record-keeping processes for merchants and customers alike.


    What distinguishes GPRS card machines from mPOS systems?
    GPRS card machines use radio signals for communication, while mPOS systems offer flexibility and mobility for transaction processing.
    Can I use an IVR payment line for all types of products and services?
    Yes, an IVR payment line is versatile and can be employed across various industries, ensuring secure transactions.
    How often should I review my payment gateway and merchant account costs?
    Regular reviews, at least annually, are recommended to optimise costs and ensure efficiency in your payment processes.
    Are there specific challenges associated with securing credit card processing for door-to-door sales?
    Our specialist advisors can address challenges associated with the assertive nature of door-to-door sales, tailoring solutions to your industry and sales procedures.
    Are there any hidden fees associated with free card machines?
    Typically, free card machines may come with minimal usage fees, which are transparently communicated by the service provider.
    Can I use pop-up events card payments internationally?
    Portable GPRS card machines can be used internationally, providing a seamless payment experience for businesses participating in global pop-up events.
    What security measures are in place for card transactions at pop-up events?
    Portable GPRS card machines adhere to robust security standards, including encryption, ensuring secure transactions at pop-up events.
    How can accepting card payments enhance my business’s credibility and professionalism?
    Accepting card payments not only offers convenience to customers but also enhances your business’s credibility and professionalism, contributing to a positive brand image.

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